Private LMS


Customize Your Content

  • Over 170 industry-specific topics included at no extra charge: construction and estimating, yard skills, selling skills, customer service, supervisory skills.
  • Add your own courses, include manufacturer product training, buy courses from third-party sources such as Skillsoft, Open Sesame, etc. See our list
  • We develop and implement custom training programs to your specifications: online, on-site, or print.

Track Employees' Progress

  • View individual sign-ins, course progress, and test scores in real time.
  • Create and download reports for import into MS Excel or any database.
  • Assign courses to individual employees, track progress online.
  • Multi-level administration: branch, division, or company.

Manage Employee Performance

  • Use our free skills evaluation test to identify individuals' strengths, weaknesses, and training needs.
  • Reinforce your training message with a customizable landing page employees see each time they sign in.
  • Assign courses to individuals, track progress online.
  • Track training in any format: online, live seminars or webinars, print, etc.
  • Develop and manage certification programs.

Administer Your LMS

  • Easy, automated employee self-enrollment.
  • Add or edit accounts: employees or multi-level administrators.
  • Bulk upload, data snyc, single sign-in capability.
  • Analyze traffic with Google Analytics.
  • Allow access to any registered user or restrict access with codes.
  • E-commerce capability available.

The BSCi Learning Management System is the only LMS designed from the ground up for the building supply industry. We bring 25 years of experience developing LMS software plus more than 40 years in the building supply business: 20 in the field plus another 20 training employees at all levels of the channel.

Our materials are written by building supply professionals and designed around two principles: 1) Deliver real-world information and 2) don't waste employees' time.

Nothing revolutionary. Just what we wish we'd had when we were on the sales counter - Greg Brooks, BSCi

Greg Brooks

Questions? Call Robert Brooks at (502) 376-0405